Friday, October 2, 2009

Bible Reading

Through the years I have tried various Bible reading plans. For the most part I didn’t care for any of them because they lacked flexibility. I like to do a variety of things during my quiet time and most plans are just too rigid for me. A few years ago I found a Bible reading plan that Ransom Fellowship publishes that works well for me. It is the Read through the Bible Program for Shirkers and Slackers. I don’t even use it the way it’s set up; I use it as a check sheet as I read through an entire book of the Bible.

My desire is that my time in the Word is spent in rich communion with my Heavenly Father, so I ask the Spirit to use His Word to speak to and teach me. Today I was looking at some things written by Tim Keller and found these five questions he suggests you ask as you read the Bible daily:

  1. How can I praise him?
  2. How can I confess my sins on the basis of this text?
  3. If this is really true, what wrong behaviour, what harmful emotions or false attitudes result in me when I forget this? Every problem is because you have forgotten something. What problems are you facing?
  4. What should I be aspiring to on the basis of this text?
  5. Why are you telling me this today?

I plan to write these in my journal and make a card that I can keep in my Bible. I have found that asking myself questions is such an important part of my growth.

Recently I purchased an ESV Study Bible. I find the articles and notes to be helpful and they add rich background to the text. Most of the time I enjoy doing my reading in the NLT and even The Message.

Some may find this funny, but another thing I have done is read through The Jesus Storybook Bible in my quiet time. This book, and my pastor’s book, What God Has Always Wanted, are my all-time favorite children’s book. In fact, The Jesus Storybook Bible is now available in an audio version. This book is so good that Jana’s Bible teacher reads it to them in class quite often…and they are high school students! Here is a taste from the first story–

Now, some people think the Bible is a book of rules, telling you what you should and shouldn’t do. The Bible certainly does have some rules in it. They show you how life works best. But the Bible isn’t mainly about you and what you should be doing. It’s about God and what he has done.

Other people think the Bible is a book of heroes, showing you people you should copy. The Bible does have some heroes in it, but most of the people in the Bible aren’t heroes at all. They make some big mistakes (sometimes on purpose), they get afraid and run away. At times they are downright mean.

No, the Bible isn’t a book of rules, or a book of heroes. The Bible is most of all a Story. It’s an adventure story about a young Hero who comes from a far country to win back his lost treasure. It’s a love story about a brave Prince who leaves his palace, his throne–everything–to rescue the one he loves. It’s like the most wonderful of fairy tales that has come true in real life!

Joelle enjoys this book so much that she asked her teachers if she could use it for her required reading. Jana wants a copy in Spanish. We recommend and use it at my church all the time…need I say more?

One of the core values at my church is understanding God’s Word. I want to seek to understand God’s Word by allowing the Scriptures to shape my thinking and living (Psalm 119:9-16 and Luke 24:25-49)…I want to know and enjoy God more…and I want to experience more of the presence and power of God in my life…I want to trust God’s Word versus leaning on my own understanding.

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