Tuesday, August 25, 2009

L L Foster - The Kindred

Book 3 in the Servant trilogy.

The Servant series as a whole has been a wonderfully crafted dark, edgy and incredibly unique urban fantasy that has had me reading with a pounding heart at times and at others with tears in my eyes for the life Gaby, the lead character, has led.

Gaby is God’s paladin, she was born in horror and has lived her whole life alone, an outcast and in pain. Because of this she is truly innocent in the ways of the world and yet at the same time she is far more worldly wise than anyone should be.  She is a ruthless killer for God, allowing him to use her as he will to eradicate true evil from the face of the earth. The monsters she encounters don’t have fangs or fur, they are far scarier than that, they are wholly human and completely evil.  Gaby is God’s wrath, his vengeance, his tool.   A tool that he has no compunction to use, to bend to his will, he is an old testament God that believes in an eye for an eye.  Gaby is more than willing to do her duty and take that eye, turning the other cheek is not an option for her.  Her reward for all of this has been pain, both physical and emotional and a life that was bleak and without hope.  

That is until she meets Luther, a cop with an aura unlike any she has ever seen before, a man who sees beyond the abrasive attitude she shows the world, but one who sees the true reason both Gaby and God do this, love for the worlds innocents. And Luther loves her all the more for it.

In this final installment (how that hurts to write!) Gaby has finally moved in with Luther, but it isn’t going to be easy.  The opening chapter had me reading with a breaking heart for Gaby as she struggled against her duty to God and her feelings for Luther.  Ms Foster did a wonderful job portraying Gaby’s desperation and pain along with Luther’s reaction to seeing her in the grip of a mission, and later Gaby’s terror in the face of the storm.

After this the book begins to take a gentler turn (in context of the other two books) as Gaby and Luther struggle to find a way to work together, both in trying to find a vicious cannibal and in living together.  Whilst I have enjoyed the edgy feel to the other two books that this one to a degree lacked, I can fully understand why this one was softer in tone, as it is sadly the last one.

The twist to the story was unforeseen but perhaps a little cliched, and in fact left more questions than it answered, which is a little frustrating as its the last book.  I don’t want to go into too much detail as it will be too huge a spoiler but suffice it to say that it did detract slightly from the ending that should have been by rights a wonderful conclusion to a fantastic series. 

All things considered I enjoyed this book immensely.  The romance between Gaby and Luther was at the heart of the story and it was wonderful to watch Gaby grow and come to the realisation that she was no longer alone, and that perhaps she could find a way to be happy.  And I loved watching Gaby explore her sexuality, in fact at times I did feel a little sorry for Luther as Gaby found the power of mind blowing sex!

This has been a wonderfully dark, edgy and emotional journey with a truly unique heroine that I shall sadly miss. 


  1. The Awakening
  2. The Acceptance
  3. The Kindred

[Via http://paranormalromancereviews.wordpress.com]

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